Money Management is important for every person. Financial education for our clients is extremely crucial considering that approximately 90% of our clients are dependent on Social Security benefits. For the majority of our clients, the financial resources available are inadequate and it becomes difficult to manage their limited income and expenses. Through careful budgeting, our agency is able to assist our clients in budgeting for the necessities of living.
Unique to Esperanza Services, we offer the “Dual Signature” account program. This program allows clients who have difficulties accessing and navigating the bank system on their own with our support. This program also warns clients against unnecessary spending and the consequences if they choose to do so until they are ready to manage their finances independently. With the double signature account, the client or agency cannot withdraw money without each other’s signature.
Under the ILS Program, our staff provides instruction on proper money handling which includes training the client on how to safeguard money, essential mathematical skills to handle money, banking and the use of checks and debit cards
Budgeting is important to our clients and that is why our staff provides special effort in instructing on effective financial planning by reviewing client account statements in efforts to allow for rent, utility bills and spending money.
Under the SLS Program, our staff provides full assistance to our clients in the handling of money and with budgeting tasks and assists them in accessing the basic necessities available to him or her.